
Materiality Assessment

Build a sustainable model and focus on deepening issues


Identification of Stakeholders and Material Issues

Build a sustainable model and focus on deepening issues

We firmly believe that well communication with internal and external stakeholders is the prime mission of corporate accountability. Therefore, the ESG Committee holds the consensus meeting for sustainable development strategy and identifies stakeholders and material issues to provide important references for the contents disclosed in the sustainability report to meet all types of stakeholders' responses.    

❙ Identification of Stakeholders

Every year, the ESG Committee scores stakeholder groups with the Likert 5-point scale based on the five attributes of stakeholders: dependency, responsibility, tension, influence, and diverse perspectives stated in AA 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard 2015. The ESG Committee officers, including the chairperson, president, senior management officers, and members of each work promotion group, answer the stakeholder identification questionnaire to identify six major stakeholder groups with contacts or influence on the CLC in business operations. These six stakeholder groups include: (1)employees, (2)customers, (3)shareholders/investors/financial institutions, (4)suppliers/contractors, (5)government/ industry associations, and (6)society (media, local communities, NPOs, academic institutions).

Identification of Material Issues

We collected the materials issues internal and external through communication channels with respect to the GRI Standards (2021), SASB, TCFD, CDP, FTSE, the Sustainability Classification Criteria being planned by the Financial Supervisory Committee and other opinions gathered from stakeholders' and internal and external experts' communication. To discern the tension of stakeholders over the material issues in order to deepen topic management approaches and improve the quality of information disclosure, we collected responses to our ESG questionnaire every 3 years since 2022. In 2022, depending on 19 sustainability topics in the previous year, considering the whole operation environment and regulations trend. In response to emphasizing the climate change in domestic and international society, we regarded "Climate Change Action" as the material issue. We integrated the assessment of impacts on operations of individual topics, conducted the risk assessment, and produced the matrix of material topics to respond to the stakeholders. The next ESG questionnaire will be held in 2024. During this period, we will continue observing the trend of the ESG sustainability issues and tracking the ESG performance. By collecting the various communication channels, we respond to the feedback and recommendations from the stakeholders. Meanwhile, through stakeholder communication and engagement mechanism, we regularly or irregularly communicate with stakeholders by using various platforms to perform "due diligence" on the issues of environment, society (including human rights) and corporate governance. It is expected to practically identify, prevent, mitigate and explain the actual or potential negative impacts and positive influences on various issues.

Communication Channels, Frequency and Important Interaction

By addressing the issues that concern the six major stakeholder groups with this report and disclosing related information over the corporate website and multiple platforms, the CLC aims to promote positive opinion exchange with stakeholders. Every year, the ESG Committee report the communication situation with the  main stakeholders to the board of directors.