
Happy Workplace

Happy Workplace

Human Rights Policy of Cheng Loong

The company’s business bases in various places strictly abide by local labor regulations, are committed to protecting the basic human rights of all employees, and support and agree with the basic spirit of international conventions, including “United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights” “The United Nations Global Compact,” “International Labor Office’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles,” and “the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises” while formulating Cheng Loong’s human rights policy in accordance with their guiding principles, so that all relevant people can be treated fairly and with dignity.
Cheng Loong’s human rights policy also applies to the enterprises and organizations, including its subsidiaries and other institutions or legal persons with substantive control. The specific implementation guidelines are set out below:
Tolerance of diversity and anti-discrimination
The company is committed to creating a safe and diverse work environment based on the principles of the openness and fairness. In recruitment, appointment and development of employees, their work ability prevails and they will not be treated with a different language, attitude, and behavior based on their gender, race, socioeconomic status, age, marriage, family status, language, religion, party, nationality, appearance, facial features, or physical and mental disorders.
To avoid any form of discrimination, an effective and appropriate grievance mechanism is provided, in which a dedicated unit accepts relevant cases and responds appropriately to prevent any violations of human rights.
Ban on child labor and prohibition of forced labor
In order to protect the physical and psychological development and growth opportunities of young people, the company clearly prohibits the employment of child workers under the age of 16 and requests verifi cation of the identity documents of job seekers as stipulated in the “Implementation Measures for New Recruitment”, while further proceeding to plan and expand requirements for all suppliers to comply accordingly so as to jointly fulfi ll corporate social responsibility.
All employees sign labor contracts and provide labor services based on their free will. It is strictly forbidden to force employees to perform compulsory labor or to undertake any other illegal compulsory labor behavior, such as compulsory measures.
Anti-corruption and ethical management
“Sincerity and Trustworthiness” is an important principle for Cheng Koong’s employees at work. Employees are strictly required to handle business in accordance with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness. They can never accept bribes from suppliers. If any employee is found to have violated relevant regulations, he/she will be punished severely without leniency if the case is verifi ed to be true and the circumstances are significant.
In order to enhance employees’ concept of ethical behavior and strengthen the effectiveness of governance, such implementation is ensured through the formulation of “Code of Ethical Conduct of Cheng Loong”, “Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct”, and “Handling of Personnel’s Involvement of Unethical Behavior”.
Health and safety workplace and work Balance
Under the principle of “full participation, zero disaster, safety and health”, the company promotes various labor safety and health activities and education and training through safety and health management organizations and systems and continues to improve the work environment so as to build a healthy, safe, and friendly workplace.
To assist employees in maintaining a balance between physical and psychological health as well as work and life, regular health checkups are conducted. The company also encourages employees to organize clubs or participate in health and leisure activities, while providing fi nancial subsidies. At present, more than ten clubs in sports, leisure, and arts have been established.
Freedom of association and smooth communication channels
To protect employees’ rights to freedom of association, the company adopts an open stance toward employees’ establishment of unions. Currently, the employees at the ChuPei Mill and Hsinchu Mill have established their own labor unions. When a labor union holds a meeting, all relevant senior executives participate in the meeting, communicate directly with employees and exchange opinions with them in the hope of establishing a mutual trust and reciprocal relationship with each other, to promote labor-management harmony.