
Stakeholder Identification

Stakeholder Identification

Stakeholder negotiation

CLC values all the interaction and communication channels. It not only helps us understand more about the reasonable expectations of stakeholders, but also allows us to respond to social demands and constantly improve and develop our company.

Stakeholder identification

The CSR Committee organizes the consensus conference for sustainable development strategies every year.  The Chairman and the members of each task force are responsible for scoring and ranking the stakeholders who might be related to or affected by the business using the Likert's five-point scale based on the report for defining the inclusiveness of the stakeholders and the 5 major principles of AA 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard 2015, including Dependence, Responsibility, Tension / Attention, Influence, and Diverse Perspectives. This method allows identifying the importance of 8 types of stakeholders. They are ranked in order as follow: (1) employee, (2) client, (3) supplier, (4) government agency, (5) shareholder/investor, (6) local community, (7) media, and (8) NPO. This sequence demonstrates the extent to which the stakeholders are affected by CLC's business operation, produce impact on CLC operational performance; or the responsibility of responding to that type of stakeholder.


Communication channels and frequency 

Type of Stakeholders Area of Focus Communication Channel Communication frequency
CLC Employees Operational performance, wages and welfare, Labor Relations, Safety and health, work environment, Human resource development, Career development, Legal compliance Department/factory meeting Weekly/Monthly
Internal publication Bimonthly
Labor conference Quarterly
Welfare committee Semiannually
CSR report Annually
Improvement proposal
Official website
Training courses and propaganda activity
Grievance mailbox and hotline
CLC Customers Operational performance, Corporate governance, Product quality, Consumer rights and interests, Price and delivery time, Legal Compliance, Product health and safety, Social responsibility, Product innovation and development, Environmental sustainability CSR report Annually
Customer satisfaction survey
Innovative technical description
Business description
Customer compliant E-Management system
Customer service hotline
Official website
CLC Suppliers Operational performance, Fair and reasonable trade, Supply chain management, Environmental protection and Industrial safety, Legal compliance, Green procurement, Energy consumption situation, Technical innovation, Procurement guidelines, Supplier’s CSR specification and system establishment Supplier audit and evaluation meeting Annually
Suppliers’ visits
Supplier meeting
CLC  Government Corporate governance, Legal compliance, Environmental protection and Industrial safety, Greenhouse gas reduction, Fair competition, Social welfare Participate in official activities
Comply with legal policy
Reply to competent authority’s inquiry and explain
Participate in information disclosure and transparency evaluation
CLC Shareholders/ Investors Operational performance, Innovative R&D, Product quality, Financial performance, Dividend policy, Corporate image, Corporate governance, information disclosure, Salary and bonus Financial Statements Quarterly
Annual report
Shareholders' meeting
Investor Conference
Investor Related meetings
Spokesman and Shareholders’ contacts
Reply the phone/email inquiries
Disclose information on company website or MOPS (Market Observation Post System)
CLC Media Operational performance, Product marketing, Corporate image, Society responsibility Press conference
News release
Spokesman hotline
CLC Local Residents Environmental protection, Pollution Prevention and Control, Social welfare, Public safety, Green product, Energy Saving and Carbon reduction Dedicated contacts handle external communication
Provide factory tour
Participate in local social welfare activities
CLC NGO Greenhouse gas reduction, Pollution Prevention and Control, Environmental protection and Industrial safety, Climate change, Ecological Conservation, Hazardous substance emissions, Consumer protection, Product quality and safety, 、Educational factory tour, Legal compliance, Green product, Energy consumption situation, Social welfare CSR report Annually
Government information reporting system
Dedicated environmental safety and health unit handles communication and coordination
Participate in environmental forum
Email and telephone